Intellectual Property,
Trade Marks & Brand Protection
Bespoke & Effective
Legal Advice
Omoi IP is a boutique legal practice which provides specialised Intellectual property services which are tailored, strategic and responsive. Covering all aspects of intellectual property, trade marks and brand protection advice, local and international - through a network of trusted like-minded overseas associates.
Founded by Karen Anne Hayne with over 25 years experience acting for some of the world’s best known brand names, as well as Australian businesses from start ups to iconic established brands.
We provide intellectual property, trade mark and brand protection advice which is aligned with each client’s commercial objectives. This is coupled with providing information, education, training and strategies to further assist clients and also target their specific needs.
Outcome focused, relationship based and an investment in the success of clients is key to the Omoi IP approach.
What’s in a name?
The inspiration for the Omoi IP name is Omoikane - a Japanese Shinto god of wisdom and intelligence. Karen has a long connection with Japan and keen interest in its history and culture. Omoikane means "serving one's thoughts” and he is considered a heavenly deity who is called upon to "ponder" and give good counsel in the deliberations of the heavenly deities. The name represents the combining of discretion, thoughts, intellection and wisdom.
Guiding Your Intellectual
Property Journey
The advice that Omoi IP provide is focused, commercial, practical and delivers what the client needs to achieve their desired outcomes. Principal, Karen Anne Hayne, has always been driven to solve her client's legal problems, as well as offering advice which is fit for purpose and reflects the core values and preferred approaches of each client.
Including clearance searches, registration, prosecution and examination report issues, opposition and removal proceedings, and all facets of Trade Marks office advice and practice.
Including trade mark infringement, copyright and design disputes and litigation matters.
Including Customs Notices and training, parallel importation advice and related matters.
Including registration and handling Dispute Resolution Procedures and related advice.
Including registration and protection of designs and disputes.
Including training and assistance with brand choice and registration, trade mark use and best practice, copyright registration and use of materials and all facets of Intellectual Property advice and training to assist your business and marketing and intellectual property teams.
Partnering With You
Often the largest and most important asset of clients is their brand and creating the right strategy for creation, protection, enforcement and all aspects of their brand evolution. We understand that each brand, business and client requires a bespoke solution and we will work in partnership with each client to develop a brand and trade mark strategy that reflects the individuality of those needs. We will make sure there is a clear, costed plan and map out the way forward, so there are no surprises. We are here to support, coach, cheer the wins and ride the journey with you, side by side.
Internationally Recognised
Drawing on more than 25 years experience in the fields of intellectual property, trade marks and brand protection, founder Karen Anne Hayne has assisted some clients in their journeys for ten, fifteen and in some cases more than twenty years. Always invested in the success of her clients and feeling very much like part of each client’s extended business advisory team. Karen’s experience has included acting for famous brands, managing trade mark portfolios in Australia and internationally and assisting businesses in a broad range of industries.
Karen has consistently been recognised as a leader in intellectual property and trade mark law, having been ranked by Chambers Global and Asia Pacific, IP Stars Australia, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, Doyles Guide, World Trademark Review, Who’s Who Legal and other peer and client ranking tables year on year.
Chambers Asia-Pacific: Australia — Intellectual Property: Trade Marks & Copyright — 2020 - 2023
Chambers Global: Australia — Intellectual Property: Trade Marks & Copyright — Regularly rated up till 2023
Doyle's Guide — Leading Contentious Intellectual Property Lawyers: Recommended — NSW — 2020 - 2023
Doyle's Guide — Leading Non - Contentious Intellectual Property Lawyers: Recommended — NSW — 2022
Doyle's Guide — Leading Trade Mark Lawyers: Recommended — NSW — 2016 - 2020
Managing IP — IP Stars Australia: Trade Mark Star — 2017 - 2023
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific — Intellectual Property: Recommended Lawyer — 2020 - 2023
Who’s Who Legal — Global Leader — IP - Trademarks — 2019 - 2022
Who’s Who Legal — National Leader: Australia & New Zealand — IP - Trademarks — 2019-2022
World Trademark Review (WTR1000) — Trademark Enforcement & Litigation, Australia — 2012 - 2023
World Trademark Review (WTR1000) — Trademark Prosecution & Strategy, Australia — 2012 - 2023
World Trademark Review (WTR1000) — Trademark Transactions, Australia — 2021 - 2023

From Our Founder
My interest in the law was ignited in a small Melbourne firm, which gave me my first “grown up” job in the mail room. Becoming a lawyer was not my plan (architecture was calling). I became fascinated in the legal process and driven to learn. Progressing from the mail room, to legal secretary, paralegal and finally (with much encouragement and support from those in my early career) a fully fledged Law Graduate from Melbourne University.
My legal career has taken me to London, Melbourne, Sydney and beyond and prior to founding Omoi IP, I was a Partner for over eighteen years at a Sydney based firm. I have assisted clients in diverse industries, local and international, small and large, established to start-up. I have been known to identify infringements on my holidays and report back to clients, drag family members on holiday tours of my client’s branded venues or stores and to proudly announce “I registered that one” to anyone listening when one of my clients trade marks appear.
As to my early calling, I do love a sharp quality HB pencil and tactile paper, and have had several attempts at home renovation and building projects. But these days, being the architect of successful intellectual property planning, protection and enforcement for my clients is as close as I get to those early career plans.
Karen Anne Hayne
Being part of my client’s journey and assisting them to overcome obstacles and clear a path for their intellectual property needs is very fulfilling and I feel a strong collaboration, loyalty and connection with all my clients, new and old.
We understand the need to consider the financial, as well as legal, needs of our clients. Just because we can build a client a five bedroom house with five bathrooms and a swimming pool, does not mean that we should in every case, or that they want or require one. Perhaps the one bedroom flat will work just as effectively and be more in line with the client’s current needs and a better value add proposition as well.
Our fees are transparent and we can provide a mix of fixed and hourly rate fees, staged project budgets and fee certainty to meet individual needs and client requirements.
Our Fees

Connect With Us
If you would like to discuss your intellectual property, trade mark or brand protection needs , please say hi through the email enquiry form and we will get in touch.
Alternatively, you can send an email to hello@omoiip.com.au or call us on +61 8 6424 8054